After a rather disorganised last few weeks I was glad to get down to some good old fashioned trading. Having been given the week off between Christmas and New Year it gave me a marvellous opportunity to dip my toe back into the horses. With so much going on in the house I was always only going to do a few races here and there but it really was a thrill to get in amongst those ladders. Boxing Day saw my first horse trade since November 18th and I started at very small stakes until the confidence came flowing back.
I have traded the horses every day since and have been green each time. Nothing substantial because I traded limited races but a £161.06 profit over 7 days is better than not trading at all.
However, whilst I had green on the horses my football exploits on the 29th December left a lot to be desired. The game......Liverpool v Wolves. The drink.... whisky and coke. There were certainly more top ups than there were goals! Over 2.5 then Over 1.5 then lay Wolves after goal then a very large Bingo special. I was just on auto-pilot with no caution! The lesson is don't drink and trade. I might as well have gone to the cash machine, drawn out £150, tie the notes to a helium balloon and let it go!

On a positive note, my performance since I started the blog has been a steady profit but nowhere near my initial target of what I thought was an easy £33 per day. I should have reached £9,000 but I was well short with £3,845. In reality it is £14 per day. It doesn't sound very much and seems like I have wasted my time but it has amounted to £3,845 which is more than if I didn't bother at all. It just goes to show how difficult this game is and why most people lose over the long term which is why it is important that when you do win, you treat yourself with something to make it all real. If you recall I withdrew £1700 at the end of September and I recently spoilt myself and the family with a Sony 3D TV. It makes it all worthwhile.

One last thing. I have been experimenting over the last couple of days on backing £2 at 80's or higher when in play and hoping to catch a lttle profit if the price comes in. I backed Ashjazar at 80's but caught a price of 140's. Imagine my excitement when the price started to come down. I didn't think it could win and took a little at 24's then 15's for a profit of £29 but it went on to win the race so I would have collected nearly £300 had I hung on!
Until tomorrow.