Wednesday 8 February 2012


I have had a couple of complaints from subscribers or purchasers of the Homer strats that receive copies of my blog posts automatically that only want to receive news about Homers rather than the daily horse lay selections. 

It is a fair point so I will concentrate the blog around the trading and have added a form to the right for anyone wanting to continue to receive the lays. These will be sent out in a similar format to the Homer newsletter. I will add another tab where I will post the results for anyone wanting to follow how things are going but doesn't want to complete the form.

I will continue to post the lays on here for the next couple of days to allow followers time to complete the form and start the newsletter from Friday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are going great Andy, please continue to send them out, i have just signed up to the lays by email, love the homer on the donkey pic!